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Cheap Train Tickets to Southampton

Get the cheapest fares to Southampton with our split ticket search

Cheap Trains to Southampton

"I plan to go to college in Southampton, a fishery studies college. Again, my brother was down there about two years ago, and he said it was great, so I'm looking forward to that.” Tom Felton

Tip 1 Buying your tickets in advance is usually cheaper
You are more likely to find cheap train tickets to Southampton when you buy in advance. You can buy advance tickets up to 12 weeks ahead of schedule, depending on when the train company releases them. These fares can sell out quickly, so the earlier you can buy them, the better. If you're booking at the last minute, advance tickets can sometimes still be available to buy up to one hour before departure.
Tip 2 Avoid booking fees by using Split My Fare
Other ticket retailers often add booking fees and credit card fees to the cost of your journey, making train tickets to Southampton more expensive. At Split My Fare, we only charge if we make you savings by splitting your ticket. The charge will be 10% of any savings made; if we don't find you a split fare, there will be no charge.

Southampton is an important transport hub and a key drop-off point for the New Forest, Isle of Wight, and Portsmouth.

Southampton has been around since the Roman and Saxon times; you can find several Roman ruins in Bitterne Manor's suburb. During The Middle Ages, Southampton was walled; some of the remnants of these defences remain today. Southampton was badly devastated by bombing during WWII; many buildings were destroyed, including heritage sites. Because of the damage caused by the war, the city and most of its architecture are very modern.

Tip 3 Use Delay Repay to get a refund on your fare
There is no guarantee that your train to Southampton will be on time. If there is a delay, you may be eligible for a full or partial refund on your ticket. This refund is available through Delay Repay; it is worth checking the policy of the company you travel with and applying for the refund through them.
Tip 4 Choose less popular times to find cheaper fares
You can often find cheaper trains to Southampton if you choose to stay on quieter, less direct routes, departing at quieter stations. The price of tickets is dependent on demand, by avoiding travel during weekends and holidays you can make further savings.

The main station is Southampton Central, located on the northwest edge of the city centre. Regular train services run from London Waterloo, passing through Winchester railway station and Basingstoke on the way. From the station, the city centre is only a short walk. There is also a City Link bus service that you can take for free; the bus runs to the city centre every 15 to 30 minutes.

Tip 5 Book together for big savings
When travelling as a group to Southampton, a great way to save money is by using Groupsave discount. You can normally get 1/3 off your fares when 3-9 people book and travel together on the same train at an off-peak time. The discount is applied automatically, but eligibility can depend on the network you are travelling with. Collect using e-Tickets and then forward them to the other members of your group to avoid having numerous paper tickets.
Tip 6 Compare single and return ticket prices
Buying two single tickets may be a cheaper way to take a round trip rather than purchasing a return ticket. It is worth comparing these tickets' prices; Split My Fare automatically checks for you, showing you the cheapest option.

Southampton city centre is fairly spread out, but it’s easily possible to walk from Bedford Place on the North End towards the waterfront. Most of the route is pedestrian-friendly.

The Bargate, a medieval guesthouse located in the middle of a shopping complex, is one of Southampton's most visited attractions. On the top floor of the guesthouse, you will find the Heritage Visitor Centre.
Tip 7 Use slower trains
If a quick journey is not a priority, consider using slower routes to find cheap train tickets. Our site shows you slower trains when they are cheaper. If you are in a rush, you can also choose only to see the fastest trains when you book with us.
Tip 8 Compare the price of both standard and first class train tickets
When demand for first class tickets is low, rail operators sometimes cut the cost of fares. The price can be comparable to standard tickets or occasionally lower. You will get additional benefits when you travel first class of bigger seats, table service, and complimentary food and hot drinks.

The Central Parks, established during the 19th century and recognised as Grade II on the English Heritage’s Register of Historic Parks, is worth visiting. Southampton also hosts a yearly Boat Show that showcases many expertly designed boats and draws thousands of visitors to the Southampton each year. Other attractions in the City include the Tudor House and Sea City Museum.

Tip 9 If you travel regularly, get a Railcard
Railcards are very popular, there are many different types of cards available, and they provide discounts to get you cheap train tickets. Most cards can get you savings of up to 1/3 on your fare. Most cards cost £30 per year or £70 for three year; if you regularly take the train, you can make big savings. Even if you take the train just a few times a year, you can still save money.

The Two Together card is useful for when you travel with another adult, saving you both 1/3. The Family and Friends card can be used when travelling with a large family, four adults and four children can use this and save 60% for children and 1/3 off for adults. Other cards available include The Senior Railcards, The Disabled Person's card, The Armed Forces card, Network Railcard and cards for 16-25 year olds and 26-30 year olds.

For more details look on the Railcard website; you can purchase Railcards from any National Rail Ticket Office.
Tip 10 Be flexible
Often people are fairly fixed in the time and date they want to travel, but you can make savings if you're willing to be flexible. We can help you compare the cost of travelling on different dates at different times to save money.

Main stations in Southampton

When searching for your journeys with our fare finder, you can actually select London (All Stations), and we will find the best and cheapest station in London for you to arrive at. If you are looking to get to an Airport, you can also get there by train from some of these stations. The biggest and busiest stations in London are the following:

  • Southampton Central
  • Southampton Airport Parkway

Popular Routes to Southampton

Frequently Asked Questions

What train goes to Southampton?

Trains to Southampton Central from London depart from Waterloo Station, they run regularly and normally take just over an hour.

How do I get to Southampton?

South Western Railway operates most trains to Southampton Central, from Weymouth and London. There are also regular trains from Brighton run by Southern.