weston super mare bristol channel with boats in sea sunset and mountain in background

Cheap Train Tickets to Weston-super-Mare

Get the best ticket prices to Weston-super-Mare with our split ticket search

Cheap Trains to Weston-super-Mare

Weston-super-Mare is a seaside town on the West Coast in Somerset, just 25 miles southwest of Bristol and 35 miles west of Bath. Weston-super-Mare lies on the Bristol Channel, with the River Axe running just south of the town centre and the beautiful Mendip Hills on the town's doorstep. Weston-super-Mare is a popular tourist destination, with its main attraction being Weston Bay, a sandy beach which runs for miles.

You can take direct trains to Weston Super Mare, departing at Weston-super-Mare Train Station. Weston=super-Mare Train Station is operated by Great Western Railway, with all trains to Weston Super Mare also run by the operator.

On this page, there are useful tips to help you book cheap train tickets to Weston-super-Mare

Tip 1 If you can, book in advance for the cheapest tickets
Book your journey early to get the best price on trains to Weston-super-Mare. Most operators release advance tickets up to 12 weeks before travel. Advance fares are in high demand, so the earlier you can book, the better. If you can't buy your ticket until the day of travel, advance fares may be available up to one hour before departure if they haven't sold out.
Tip 2 Avoid booking fees
Other ticket retailers charge fees for each journey you book with them. Trainline always adds an additional booking fee to your ticket cost. Split My Fare does not make you pay a booking fee; only if you manage to split your ticket will we take 15% of the savings made. If we don't find you a split ticket, there will be no fee.
Tip 3 Claim a refund when your train is delayed
There is no guarantee that your train will depart on time or that you won't arrive at your destination late. Delay Repay enables you to claim a full or partial refund when your trains are delayed, whatever the reason. Eligibility for compensation differs across train companies, but you can generally get a refund on any delay over 15 minutes. Check with the operator what their policy is and apply for the refund through them.

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Tip 4 Stay away from popular times of travel
Your journey can be expensive if you travel to a popular destination like Weston-super-Mare at a busy time. If possible, travel outside peak hours to make savings. Taking your trip on a weekday instead of at the weekend can also help save you money. Consider travelling from a less popular station rather than the city centre.
Tip 5 Make savings on group travel
3-9 people can save on their journey using a group save discount. You can get up to 1/3 off your fare when you book together and travel on the same train at off-peak times. Group travel may involve many paper tickets, especially if we split your fare. Collect with e-Tickets and forward them to your group.
Tip 6 Compare the price of single and return tickets
When taking a round trip to Cambridge and looking for cheap train tickets to Cambridge, it is worth checking if two single tickets are cheaper than a return. When you use SplitMyFare, we automatically work this out for you, selling you the cheapest combination of tickets.

Visit Weston Super Mare

Public Transport

Weston-super-Mare, as a major tourist destination, is easily reachable by train with regular services from Bristol to Exeter operated by Great Western Railway, stopping at Weston-super-Mare Train Station. Services to Exeter and Bristol by train regularly run from major cities across the UK, so you can easily travel to Weston-super-Mare from anywhere.


As a popular seaside resort, Weston-Super-Mare offers a variety of things to do. Grand Pier is an indoor theme park and a great place to take the family, with restaurants and cafes also available. Puxton Park is fantastic on a hot day, with bumper boats, a high ropes course, and a train ride, among many other attractions. Weston-super-Mare Beach is a beautiful place to walk on and afterwards, you can sample an ice cream or fish and chips.


Weston-super-Mare has numerous restaurants and cafes, whether you prefer something independent and different or a large chain. The Ginger Pig Kitchen has a variety of food on offer, including a Sunday roast, tapas, and fantastic fish dishes. Scotty's Lounge and Bistro does an amazing brunch with sandwiches, burgers, and salads; if you fancy they also offer a bottomless brunch.

Frequently Asked Questions

What line is Weston-super-Mare on?

Weston-super-Mare is on the Bristol to Exeter Line which is a major branch of the Great Western Main Line.

What is the main train station in Weston-super-Mare?

The main train station in Weston-super-Mare is Weston-super-Mare Train Station, though Weston Milton Station and Worle Station are also located in the town.

Which train companies run trains to Weston-super-Mare?

Great Western Railway runs all trains to Weston-super-Mare from Bristol and Exeter.

Are trains to Weston-super-Mare running?

Trains to Weston-super-Mare run half-hourly every day of the year except Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

How do I find cheap tickets to Weston-super-Mare?

You can find cheap train tickets to Weston-super-Mare by searching for split tickets on Split My Fare. We find savings for 60% of our customers with an average saving of 26%.