London to Edinburgh Train Tickets

Cheap Train Tickets from London to Edinburgh

There are many helpful tips for finding cheap trains: splitting your train ticket, booking in advance, being flexible with your departure date and time, and travelling as a group.

Tip 1 Split Your Ticket
Split ticketing involves booking two or more tickets for your journey to Edinburgh from London instead of just booking a single train ticket. You still travel on the same train without any additional changes to your journey. Split My Fare can give you significant savings by splitting your trip into multiple tickets.

You can save 19%(£13.20) with Split My Fare by booking split tickets from London to Peterborough and Peterborough to Edinburgh for a total of £56.30, instead of booking a single train ticket to Edinburgh for £69.50. You travel on the same train and don't have any additional changes.
Tip 2 Book in Advance
An Advance fare is usually cheaper than a flexible ticket. As long as you're happy to take your journey at a fixed time, we recommend you book an Advance Ticket to get the cheapest tickets. Advance tickets usually go on sale 12 weeks before departure. We advise you to book early as they can often sell out due to high demand; they are subject to availability.
Tip 3 Book your journey for Off Peak Rather Than Peak Times
If no advance fares are available, or you want flexibility in the time and date of your journey, the cheapest tickets will likely be for off-peak rather than peak times. Quieter off-peak periods are usually for departures between 10 am and 4 pm and after 7 pm. Some train operators provide super off-peak tickets, which can be even cheaper.
Tip 4 Book as a Group
If you are making your journey by rail in a group of 3 to 9 passengers, you may get cheap tickets with 1/3 off routes during off-peak hours when tickets are all booked together. We automatically apply the discount when you book with Split My Fare if it is available for your journey. You must purchase all tickets at the same time to get the saving, and all passengers must take the same train.

Travelling From London to Edinburgh by Train

Travelling from London to Edinburgh by train is the most popular and scenic way to reach the Scottish capital. It takes an average of 4 hours and 30 minutes to cover the 330 miles from London through some of the most picturesque landscapes the UK offers, especially as the train crosses the border. The train passes through Peterborough, York, Durham, Newcastle, and other cities before reaching Edinburgh Waverley Train Station, but it also takes in stunning landscapes, such as the rolling hills of Northumberland National Park. Edinburgh is full of famous attractions worth visiting, including Edinburgh Castle, Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh Zoo, and The National Museum of Scotland.

Trains run from London to Edinburgh Waverley 30 times per day, providing a wide choice of times and tickets. Tickets start from £19.90, but it is advisable to book in advance to secure the best deals. The fastest trains on this route are the LNER (London North Eastern Railway) which reaches a maximum speed of 125 km/h with a journey time to Edinburgh of just 4 hours and 11 minutes. Other operators are Caledonian Sleeper and Lumo, with trains leaving from London King's Cross and London Euston Train Station.

The first train service leaving London departs at 04:45, and the last departure time from London Kings Cross Train Station is at 23:45. The trains cater to various needs, from ultra-comfortable first-class cabins to standard seats for travellers on a tight budget. The train journey to Edinburgh is widely known as one of the UK's most scenic and enjoyable rail experiences. With numerous trains to choose from, it's easy to create a hassle-free itinerary that fits your plans.

The best way to save money on your train to Edinburgh is through split ticketing, with average savings of 26% made. Other things to try include booking your train ticket in advance, travelling during off-peak times, and booking together if you travel as a group.

Departure Station

London Kings Cross

Arrival Station

Edinburgh Waverley


330 miles

First Train


Last Train


Fastest Journey Time

4hr 11min

Avg. Journey Time

4hr 30min


30 trains per day


London North Eastern Railway, Caledonian Sleeper, Lumo

East Coast Route

When you travel between London and Edinburgh on the East Coast route, you will typically start your journey from London King's Cross Station, famous for its Platform 9 ¾. Indeed you can take a picture next to the platform sign, and there is a shop with plenty of Harry Potter souvenirs. Trains from London Kings Cross to Edinburgh usually are high-speed, with no changes and minimal stops. Typically you can expect the train to stop in Peterborough, York, Durham, and Newcastle on the way; with all of these worth visiting if you wish to stop en route, York is particularly worth a visit with its National Railway Museum. If you want to reach Edinburgh particularly quickly, take a Lumo train that only stops twice before reaching Edinburgh. Once you reach Newcastle, your route will hug the coast to Edinburgh; it's worth sitting on the right side of the train to see it.

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london to edinburgh train map

London to Edinburgh Train Routes

You may want to visit other destinations near London before travelling to Edinburgh or venture out from Edinburgh before taking your return train from Edinburgh to London. There are many other places in the UK well worth visiting, with twelve major stations in London you can reach anywhere in the country.

Train Companies

Avanti West Coast

You may want to travel along the West Coast Route to get to Edinburgh, stopping off in Manchester, Liverpool, or Birmingham en route. Most trains go from Euston Station to Edinburgh Waverley with one change at Manchester Piccadilly or Birmingham New Street though there are also some direct trains. If you want to travel in luxury, Avanti offers Standard Premium and First Class travel.

Caledonian Sleeper

For the height of luxury, travel by train on the Caledonian. Along with sleeping on your train journey in a private cabin, you can benefit from an extensive food and drink menu with room service, comfortable mattresses, and some even have an en-suite toilet and shower. Caledonian services to Edinburgh depart from London Euston station. Caledonian tickets are separated into four classes: Seated Coach, Classic Room, Club Room, and Caledonian Double.

London North Eastern Railway (LNER)

London North Eastern Railway operates trains to Edinburgh via the East Coast mainline, having taken over from Virgin Trains East Coast. All trains to Edinburgh depart from London Kings Cross Station to Edinburgh Waverley. LNER trains travel through major cities, including York, Peterborough, and Newcastle.

LNER operates Azuma trains which, along with being very reliable, travel at high-speed, typically reaching Edinburgh from London Kings Cross Station in around 4h 30 mins. You can also have your food delivered to your seat.


Lumo launched direct trains to Edinburgh in 2021, offering speedy journeys with minimal stops on electric trains. Lumo trains run on the East Coast Main Line between Kings Cross and Edinburgh, usually only stopping at Stevenage, Newcastle, and Morpeth. Lumo offers free WiFi on their trains and food from well-known shops such as Marks & Spencer. All Lumo trains are standard class, meaning tickets are cheaper.

City Information


London is a vibrant and bustling city; with its rich history, cultural diversity, and abundance of attractions, London truly has something to offer everyone.

When it comes to dining, London offers an eclectic range of restaurants catering to various cuisines from around the world. From Michelin-starred establishments to trendy street food markets, there is something to satisfy every palate.

Buckingham Palace is a must-see landmark, where visitors can catch a glimpse of the changing of the guard and admire the grand architecture. Another popular attraction is the London Eye, a giant Ferris wheel that offers stunning views of the city skyline.

Getting around the city is easy with the iconic red buses and the extensive tube network, which connects all areas of London. There are numerous stations to which you can book train tickets to London; King's Cross Station is a major transportation hub, connecting London with the rest of the country via train. It is also famous for its connection to the fictional world of Harry Potter, as it is home to Platform 9 ¾. London is well-served by several airports, including Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted, making it easily accessible to international travellers.



Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture. With many restaurants offering various cuisines, there is something to suit every palate.

It is worth visiting Arthur's Seat, a dormant volcano in Holyrood Park, to enjoy stunning panoramic city views. Another must-visit attraction is the iconic Edinburgh Castle, perched atop Castle Rock, which offers a captivating glimpse into the city's past.

The city centre is famous for its festivals, including the renowned Hogmanay celebrations to ring in the New Year and the world's largest arts festival, the Fringe.

Edinburgh's central location makes it easily accessible by various means of transportation. Edinburgh Waverley Station, situated in the city centre, provides excellent train connections to destinations across the UK. You can also travel abroad from Edinburgh Airport.

Whether exploring the historic streets, indulging in the local cuisine, or immersing yourself in the lively festival atmosphere, Edinburgh has something to captivate every visitor.

Station Information


You can travel to Edinburgh Waverley station from two train stations in London.

LNER, Lumo, and Caledonian Sleeper operate trains from King's Cross Station, while Avanti West Coast runs services from Euston Station.


You can travel to London from one station in Edinburgh.

LNER, Lumo, Caledonian Sleeper and Avanti West Coast operate trains from Edinburgh Waverley station.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a direct train from London to Edinburgh?

There is a direct train from London to Edinburgh; in fact, there are over 30 direct trains per day. LNER, Lumo, and Avanti West Coast operate direct trains from London to Edinburgh.

How long does it take to travel from London to Edinburgh?

Travel from London to Edinburgh typically takes 4.5 hours. The fastest train to Edinburgh takes 4 hours and 16 minutes.

What are the train times from London to Edinburgh?

The earliest train from London to Edinburgh leaves at 04:45 in the morning, with the last train typically departing at 23:45. There are over 30 trains per day. You can search for train times using our journey planner.

What is the cost of a train from London to Edinburgh?

The cheapest train to Edinburgh from London is £19.90. You can save money on the cost of a train through split ticketing, purchasing in advance, and travelling during off-peak hours.

When should you book your train tickets from London to Edinburgh?

You should book your train tickets in advance to benefit from cheap tickets. Advance tickets are released up to 12 weeks before departure and can sometimes sell out, though they will occasionally be available until the day of travel.

Which train companies go from London to Edinburgh?

Several train companies go from London to Edinburgh, either by direct train or with a change on the way. The following operators travel on this route:

  • LNER
  • Lumo
  • Caledonian Sleeper
  • Avanti West Coast

Is there a high-speed train from London to Edinburgh?

There are high-speed trains from London to Edinburgh that reach up to 125mph. Lumo has electric trains, which are also very fast, reaching Edinburgh in around 4 hrs 15 mins.

Which luxury train travels from London to Edinburgh?

Caledonian Sleeper offers luxury train travel from London Kings Cross to Edinburgh Waverley, with cabins offering comfortable mattresses, room service, and priority boarding. You can also book a first-class ticket on LNER trains to Edinburgh.

What is the easiest way to get from London to Edinburgh?

The easiest way is to take a train from London Kings Cross to Edinburgh. Trains take around 4 hrs 30 mins with minimal stops on the way.

How to get from London to Edinburgh cheaply?

You can get from London to Edinburgh cheaply by purchasing split tickets, saving an average of 26%. You can also get cheaper advance tickets by booking up to 12 weeks in advance.

Is the train ride from London to Edinburgh Scenic?

The train ride from London Kings Cross to Edinburgh Waverley is scenic, hugging the coast from Newcastle to Edinburgh and travelling through Northumberland National Park.

Is there a night train from London to Edinburgh?

There is a night train from London to Edinburgh. There are differing levels of tickets, including seated tickets or private rooms.

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